What we do

Initial Site Assessment

This initial visit includes:

  • A 1-2 hour “walk around the property” to identify the homeowner’s landscape priorities

  • This initial site assessment will also identify opportunities for the homeowner to create a healthy habitat that supports our local ecosystem

  • Deliverables include a summary of existing conditions, a rough design/sketch of garden beds, and recommendations for plant species

Landscape Design

For clients needing additional detail, we provide:

  • A scaled design that may include a demolition plan, if  necessary

  • A detailed planting plan with proposed species

  • Plant layout

  • Details on plant quantities for each species

  • When appropriate, the design many also include recommendations for hardscaping

  • The design also includes steps needed to prep the area and recommendations for phased implementation, if needed. I will work with clients to source and purchase the plants.

  • NOTE: We provide clear hand drawings. We do not use computer aided design software (CAD)

Project Installation

Once we begin project installation:

  • We work with several local contractors who do the actual installation work

  • We oversee the installation — in particular the plant layout — but the actual contract for this phase is between the homeowner and the installation firm.

A client can also elect to do the project themselves, in which case we turn the design over to them.


We work with clients to help them maintain their beautiful gardens in a way that continues to support a healthy habitat while also creating beauty during the winter months.

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